
who we are
Our Background
The Friendly Society Trust (The Friendlies) is a humanitarian organization based in Harare. We are not-for-profit and apolitical. Our organisation focuses on the wellbeing of underprivileged, homeless, orphaned, and at-risk children in Zimbabwe.
We help them live their lives with the decency and dignity every child deserves. We source and provide them with food, clothes, shelter, education, healthcare, skills training, mentoring, and other basic necessities.
Target Group
Children aged between 4 and 18 years who are living in poverty with no access to healthy food, shelter, medical care, education, clean water, and skills training among other basics.
Our Mission
Hand-ups not Hand-outs. Empowering kids to step boldly and brightly into their future.
- What this looks like:
Continue to support the kids we care for - Get more kids into school
- Grow our donor base
- Make more impacts
- At the same time, not losing our hands-on tailored solutions
Our Vision
Supporting Zimbabweans to thrive and support one another in creating a brighter future
This looks like:
- Doing right by wronged children
- Supporting children post school with job opportunities or further study
- End-to-end interventions
- Ensuring integration into society
Our Brand Heart
Hand-in-Hand and Heart-to-Heart
what we do

Community Integration
We integrate homeless children back into the community.

Curbing Abuse
We prevent and fight drug and sexual abuse among homeless and other underprivileged children.

Skills Training
We provide skills training and mentoring for underprivileged children.

We help underprivileged children access basic needs namely, food, shelter, education, healthcare, clean water, and sanitation.