we step in
when others
tUrn away

we step in
when others
tUrn away



Food Packs

School Fees
feed a dream
Project Status – Ongoing
A big part of our mission is to ensure that every child in Zimbabwe lives every day on a full stomach. A big part of the daily struggles of underprivileged children, particularly homeless children living on the streets in securing a decent meal.
Through our Feed a Dream initiative we provide children living on the streets of Harare with meals. We have provided over 1350 meals to date.
What’s in a meal?
A single meal means that the children living on the streets will not spend that day begging for food or looking for food in bins and dumpsites.
A meal means a homeless girl will not be forced to sleep with anyone for food on that day.
A meal means younger children will not be bullied and harassed by older children for food and money on that day.
A meal will mean that children living on the streets will be saved from hours of doing all sorts of dirty and hard labour on the streets to get food.

a pack for a dream
project status – ongoing
Someone once said, “A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” Through this initiative, with the help of our donors, we provide underprivileged children with hampers with basics that include food, soap, and other essentials.
Over 200 children have benefited from this initiative.

educate a dream
Project Status – Ongoing
Education plays a critical role in the development of people and their dreams. according to the united nations, obtaining a quality education is the foundation for improving people’s lives and sustainable development. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. In this light, our initiative educate a dream facilitates access to education for underprivileged children in both urban and rural areas.
We are sending 60 children from poor families in masvingo to school. Twenty-six of the children are girls.

dress a dream
project status – ongoing
Everyone is entitled to the right to adequate clothing. A number of international agreements recognise this as a basic human right that is equally as important as the right to food, shelter, health, and education.
A lot of underprivileged children in zimbabwe do not have the privilege of having even what would be classified as “minimum clothing”.
The plight of these children and other underprivileged members of the community was perhaps best summed up by dr. Stephen james.
He said, ” we see it in the shivering or sweltering discomfort of ‘beggars,’ the homeless, the drug-dependent and the ‘derelict,’ the elderly, the invalided, the ‘street kid’ or the just plain poor. Their plight has provoked condemnation, blame, disgust, and derision, but religious, moral, and secular creeds have in contrast exhorted us to respond with love, charity, mercy, with empathy, and in a spirit of justice.”
We regularly source clothes from well-wishers and give them to homeless children. An upwards of 350 children have benefited from this initiative.

shelter a dream
Project Status – launching soon
There are thousands of children in zimbabwe who have no access to shelter. We have plans to set up a shelter in harare so that hundreds of children living on the streets of the capital city can afford to have a roof over their heads and at least a blanket every night.
Apart from providing adequate housing for the children, the shelter will help curb bullying, drug and sexual abuse.